Reimagine DMV services with Conversational AI


Lead Designer


Mobile, Desktop, Tablet, Kiosk


Aug-Oct, 2023


Figma, After Effects

goal & contribution

Led the UX research and design for a cross-device AI assistant for license applicants and DMV staff on mobile, kiosk, iPad and desktop. Brainstormed Bluesky concepts and created hi-fi prototypes.


Anticipated an 85% reduction in the average application time and an 80% reduction in user support requests.


Dealing with DMV’s logistics is exhausting.

Driver's license applicants struggle to navigate DMV's complex rules and often wait for long, uncertain times at DMV offices.


β€œHi, I’m Dottie”

Dottie, the conversational AI assistant, makes license application process easier with voice commands that quickly manage complicated tasks for stressed applicants.

Experience designed for Kiosk, iPad and Mobile.

Ugh, DMV!

People generally view the DMV as a place with long wait times and complex paperwork with slow and frustrating experience.


Where do people struggle in the current experience?

We conducted interviews with license applicants, holders, and DMV staff, and visited 3 DMV offices to identify key pain points. We then used affinity mapping to outline existing service strengths and challenges.

9 Interviews
3 office Visits

People struggle with preparing for and during the DMV office visit.

πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« πŸ’»

Intimidated to initiate the process

The difficulty in locating information on the DMV website can be daunting, making people hesitant to even start the process.

😰 πŸ“‹

Overwhelmed by the complex steps

Applicants must go through various examination and collect various documents, which can vary greatly based on individual circumstances.

😑 βŒ›

Annoyed by the uncertainty in the DMV

Applicants often feel out of control at the DMV, unsure about wait times and necessary steps. Busy staff are unable to provide individualized assistance, adding to the confusion.

user journey map
Opportunities to support users before and during DMV visit

After identifying the pain points of DMV applicants, we recognized that these issues begin not just at the DMV office but during the planning phase. Therefore, we mapped user journeys to uncover design opportunities.

design GOAL

A product that individually supports and proactively guides driver’s license applicants through the lengthy and complex pre-visit preparation and in-office processes.

design Proposal

Dottie: Conversational AI

Why Conversational UI(CUI) is helpful to solve applicants’ problems?

Conversational Interfaces at the DMV enhance user experience by minimizing clicks, swiftly gathering relevant information, and providing personalized journey support.

Where CUI could be implemented?

Conversational Interfaces at the DMV enhance user experience by minimizing clicks, swiftly gathering relevant information, and providing personalized journey support.

Design Challenge 1

How might we help applicants get things started easier?

πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« πŸ’»

Intimidated to initiate the process

The difficulty in locating information on the DMV website can be daunting, making people hesitant to even start the process.

😰 πŸ“‹

Overwhelmed by the complex steps

😑 βŒ›

Annoyed by the uncertainty in the DMV

Create accessible and trustworthy CUI character

Leveraging color, form, and motion design to foster amiable relationship between Dottie and applicants.

Design System

The color palette is derived from Pennsylvania DMV's existing branding, infusing with a contemporary flair with a modern and uplifting appeal.

Form & Motion

DMV is all about vehicles. The CUI icon conceptualizes the key symbols, the road and the wheel. The curvatures resemble to a friendly face for additional rapport.

Invoke Dottie

Voice: Call β€œDottie” or β€œHey Dottie”

Soft Tap: Tap-to-talk button

Type: Keyboard input for privacy

Anatomy of a Response

Conversational components are combined to compose the content in the spoken prompts, display prompts, info card and chips.

Spoken Prompt

The content Dottie speaks to the user via TTS.

Display Prompt

The content Dottie writes to the user, via printed text on the screen.

Info Card

Visualizing dense information.


Suggestions for how the user can continue or pivot the conversation.

Design Challenge 2

How might we simplify the process and reducing memorizations?

πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« πŸ’»

Intimidated to initiate the process

😰 πŸ“‹

Overwhelmed by the complex steps

Applicants must go through various examinations and collect various documents, which can vary greatly based on individual circumstances.

😑 βŒ›

Annoyed by the uncertainty in the DMV

Breakdown complex procedures into bite-sized pieces.

User interviews show that people are frequently overwhelmed by information volume and tend to forget details. Breaking information into bite-sized, memorable pieces can address this issue.

Condense information in cards for quick reference

Before visiting the DMV office, applicants complete preparations using their mobile devices. Dotties eases the driver's license application process by offering step-by-step guidance and summarizing complex information into key takeaway cards, which users can easily recall and reference within lengthy chat histories.

Information cards in chat context
Design Challenge 2

How might we simplify the process and reducing memorizations?

πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« πŸ’»

Intimidated to initiate the process

😰 πŸ“‹

Overwhelmed by the complex steps

😑 βŒ›

Annoyed by the uncertainty in the DMV

Applicants often feel out of control at the DMV, unsure about wait times and necessary steps. Busy staff are unable to provide individualized assistance, adding to the confusion.


See Dottie in Action

This video demonstrates how Dottie streamlines the license application process with responsive voice-led features, efficiently handling complex requests for stressed applicants.